edo subtle subtitle

About this site

The cool technologies behind this website are OpenBSD, OpenBSD's default httpd daemon, and Werc. That's it? Yep, that's it. Also, it is hosted on a Vultr VPS.

I'm particularly grateful for Werc, which allowed me to avoid a bunch of technologies which otherwise would have been unnecessarily complex for my case (and also a real pain in the ass to set up). Instead, Werc made my website possible while keeping it sane.

This website has no cookies, JavaScript, PHP, or any other bullshit of that kind. Just Markdown (automatically translated to HTML), a pinch of CSS to avoid headaches, and the good ol' Rc shell from Plan 9 as backend.

Known issues

"This is the ugliest shit I've ever seen"

The layout (navbar on the left side, name on the upper left corner, links in the top bar and article in the remaining space) was inspired by other websites which also use Werc, like cat-v.org, werc.cat-v.org, 9front.org, and wiki.9front.org.

The colors are something I came up with, so I am to blame.